New office bearers of St. Teresa of Avila Community, Bikarnakatte
The triennial election of the St. Teresa of Avila Community, Bikarnakatte was held on 28th June 2024 at 4.30 am. Fr. Deep Fernandes, Delegate Provincial of the Secular Carmel presided over the official election. Spiritual Assistant Fr. Ivan Dsouza and 28 OCDS members were present.

Spiritual Assistant Fr. Ivan D'souza welcomed everyone. The President and Councillors presented their Annual report. Fr. Deep Fernandes explained the importance of Secular Carmel and gave some guidelines on procedure for the election.

The following were elected for the next 3 years :
President : Mr. Herald Gratian Dsouza
1st Councillor: Mrs. Jacintha Lobo
2nd Councillor: Mrs. Lucy Pais
3rd Councillor: Mrs. Mary Rebello
Formator: Mrs. Jane Sequeira

Fr. Deep Fernandes after seeking their consent confirmed them in their respective offices. We congratulate the new team of office bearers and wish them all the best.

The Community comprises of :
25 in Definitive Promises
8 in Temporary Promises
12 in Novitiate Formation
5 in Novitiate

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